Family Feud Question Flag Format

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Family Feud Question Flag Format
Format typeText
Text purposeControl
Line endingsSpace
Character setASCII

This file stores which questions have been asked by the game to try to ensure the player won't be asked a repeat question until all of the questions in the database have been asked.

This file stores 46 records, each record contains 4 values, each value is either a "0" (0x30) or a "1" (0x31) and is followed by a space. When the game first boots, this file is generated with every record as "0 0 0 0 ". The first two values correspond to face-off questions (those with a file name of QS#.FF), the second two values correspond to the fast money questions (those with a file name of FQ#.FF). Each flag represents a block of five questions. The first flag is questions 1-5, the second is questions 6-10.

When the game is booted up, it randomly picks a face-off file (1-46), and then randomly picks a starting question (either 1 or 6). If it starts on question 1, the first value in the record is set to "1", if it starts on question 6, the second value is set to "1". The game will then ask four questions in the order they appear in the file. The game will not use a block of questions that it has already marked with a "1". When the game reaches the fast money round, it will use the values 3 and 4 of the record in the same way.

If the game boots and all of the face-off question flags are set to "1", it will reset all of the face-off values to "0" and then pick one at random. When the game reaches the fast money round and the first 30 records of fast money question flags are set to "1", the game will reset all the fast money values to "0" and then pick one at random.

Because of the way this file works, you can force the game to ask specific questions by setting all of the flags to "1" except for those you wish to have asked.

File format

Data type Description
char Face-off question 1st half Flag if face-off questions 1-5 have been asked.
char 0x20 Space Delimiter.
char Face-off question 2nd half Flag if face-off questions 6-10 have been asked.
char 0x20 Space Delimiter.
char Fast money question 1st half Flag if fast money questions 1-5 have been asked.
char 0x20 Space Delimiter.
char Fast money question 2nd half Flag if fast money questions 6-10 have been asked.
char 0x20 Space Delimiter.
... Repeated a total of 46 times.


This file format was documented by TheAlmightyGuru. If you find this information helpful in a project you're working on, please give credit where credit is due. (A link back to this wiki would be nice too!)