Eye of the Beholder item.dat Format

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short int NumberOfItems;
struct Item {
    char unid;      /* Number of name string, if not identified */
    char id;        /* Number of name string if identified      */
    char bits;      /* Magic and so on                          */
                    /* 0x80 = Bit = GlowMagic                   */
                    /* 0x40 = Bit = IsIdentified                */
                    /* 0x20 = Bit = IsCursed                    */
                    /* 0x08 = Bit = Sucks damage points from    */
                    /*              target to attacker          */
    char pic;       /* Number of icon picture                   */
    char type;      /* Axe, Long Sword etc. see below           */
    char subpos;    /* Where the item lies at position          */
                    /* In Maze:                                 */
                    /*      0..3-> Bottom                       */
                    /*      4..7-> Wall (N,E,S,W)               */
                    /* For EotB I: 0..3-> Floor NW,NE,SW,SE     */
                    /*                8-> Compartment           */
                    /* If in inventory:                         */
                    /*      0..26-> Position in Inventory       */
    short int pos;  /* Position in maze x+y*32                  */
                    /* <= 0: Consumed                           */
    short int next; /* Number of next item in list (position)   */
    short int prev; /* Number of previous item in list (pos)    */
                    /* New: Single linked list                  */
    char level;     /* Level, where the item lies, <= no level  */
    char value;     /* The value of item, -1 if consumed        */
                    /* Kind of keys/potions/wands               */
} [NumberOfItems];
short int NumberOfItemName;
char ItemName[NumberOfItemName][35];

item type correspondance

0: "Axe"        / 'Drow Cleaver'
 1: "Long Sword" / Adamantite Long Sword /
 2: "Short Sword"
 3: "Orb of Power"
 4: ???
 5: "Dagger" / 'Guinsoo' / 'Backstabber'
 6: "Potion" / Dwarfen Healing Potion
 7: "Bow"
 8: ???
 9: "Spear"
10: "Halberd"
11: "Mace"
12: "Flail"     ; ( Geissel )
13: "Staff" / Staff
14: "Sling"
15: "Dart" / Adamantite Dart
16: "Arrow"
17: ???
18: "Rock" / Igneous Rock
19: ???
20: "Chainmail"
21: "Helmet" / Dwarf Helmet
22: "Leather armor"
23: ???
24: "Plate Mail"
25: "Scale Mail"
26: ???
27: "Shield"
28: "Lock Picks"
29: "Spellbook"
30: "Holy Symbol" / Cleric Holy Symbol / Paladin Holy Symbol
31: "Food" / Iron Rations
32: "Boots" / Leather Boots
33: "Bones" / Dwarf Bones / Halfling Bones /
34: "Mage Scroll"  / Scroll
35: "Cleric Scroll" / Scroll /
36: "Text Scroll" / Commission and Letter of Marquee
37: "Stone"       / Stone        Item
    Stone Holy Symbol (1) /  Stone Necklace (2) /
    Stone Orb (3) / Stone Dagger (4) / Medaillon (5) /
    Stone Scepter (6) / Stone Ring (7) /
38: "Key"
    Silver Key (1) / Gold Key (2) / Dwarfen Key (3)/
    Key (4) / Skull Key (5) / Drow Key (6) /
    Jeweled Key (7) / Ruby Key (8)
39: "Potion"
40: "Gem"
41: "Robe" / Fancy Robe /
42: "Ring of Protection +2"
43: "Bracers"
44: "Necklace" / Medaillon
45: ????
46: "Medaillon" Luck Stone Medaillon (1)
47: "Ring"
48: "Wand" / Wand of Slivias
49: "Kenku Egg"
50: ??? -> Usename 1
; Handspell-Itemtypes