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Screenshots are images taken during gameplay. In Keen the only games with working screenshot code are the Vorticons games. However this code is not references anywhere and so cannot be used by default. However it is possible to re-enable the screenshot code, allowing screenshots to be taken.

The space occupied by the screenshot code is a favorite of patchers wanting to use it for extra space for patches that do not fit elsewhere in the executable.

Screenshots by pressing F2

This patch allows a player to take a screenshot by pressing the F2 key, normally used for turning sound on or off. The screenshot corrupts the memory used for game levels, meaning that if one is taken during a game the level will become corrupt and the player die. (On exiting to the map however the game will be fine.) It is possible to make other keys the screenshot keys.

Take screenshot with F2 key

#Take screenshot with F2 key (Keen 1)
%patch $0CB5 $E8 $FE3AW $EB $72

#Take screenshot with F2 key (Keen 2)
%patch $0CB5 $E8 $FE3AW $EB $72

Screenshot name

This is the name of the screenshot file. It is useless by default unless the above patch is used. The file is raw EGA data, 32Kb in size, similar in format to the Finale file, but uncompressed. Only one file can be created, being overwritten if another screenshot is taken.

Keen screenshot file name

#Keen 1 screenshot file name
%patch $C45  [$1D84W] #Text called from
%patch $14DD4 "KEENSCRN.PIC" $00

#Keen 2 screenshot file name
%patch $C45  [$212CW] #Text called from
%patch $198AC "KEENSCRN.PIC" $00

#Keen 3 screenshot file name
%patch $CA9  [$2264W] #Text called from
%patch $1BA84 "KEENSCRN.PIC" $00