Patch:Save Game (Dreams)

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This page deals with patches relating to loading, saving and saved games in Keen Dreams. For saved game filenames see Patch:Files and filenames. Related patches can be found at Patch:Main menu. This page does include patches relating to loading games.

In Dreams, games can be saved anywhere at any time. They are saved to a file SAVEGMx.KDR and store the entire contents of the level memory including all sprite positions and actions. This allows for 'save scumming' where a random or dangerous situation is replayed over and over from a loaded game until maximum success occurs.

Default saved game name

his is the name given to a saved game file if the player simply presses enter after choosing to save in an empty savegame slot.

Default saved game name

#Default saved game name
%patch $15AA3 [$5BDFW]
%patch $2964F "Untitled" $00

Save\Load game menu

Patches relating to the savegame menu can be found in a section of the main menu page. These patches include the number of save slots, images used and their positions.

Entering name footer text

This text appears when the player is entering a name for their saved game. it appears at the bottom of the save menu and is colored red by default. This color (Here $03) can be changed.

Saving text

#Saving text
%patch $15A23 [$03]    #Color (Red)
%patch $15A25 [$5BBFW] #Call

%patch $2962F "Enter Game Name / Escape Aborts" $00

Loading warning text

This text appears when the palyer attempts to load a game while playing another game. It appears at the bottom of the load menu and is colored red by default. This color (Here $03) can be changed. It also consists of two lines, which must be the same color.

Loading text

#Loading text
%patch $15D48 [$03]    #Color (Red)
%patch $15D4A [$5BEFW] #Call 1
%patch $15D54 [$5C0FW] #Call 2

%patch $2965F "Warning! If you do this, you'll" $00
%patch $2967F "abort the current game." $00

Saving window

This window appears when the player saves a game. It appears over the menu before the screen clears and the window vanishes. It contains a single line of text.

Keen Dreams

#Loading game window
%patch $15AC6 [$0003W] #Window height
%patch $15ACA [$000AW] #Window width
%patch $15AD5 [$5BE8W] #Text
%patch $29658 "Saving" $00

Loading window

This window appears when the player selects a game to load. It appears over the menu before the screen clears and the level displays. It contains a single line of text composed of three parts, the 'Loading' text, the saved game name and an ending apostrophe. (Interestingly the first apostrophe is a different font character.)

Keen Dreams

#Loading game window
%patch $158C9 [$0003W] #Window height
%patch $158CD [$001EW] #Window width
%patch $158D8 [$5BB3W] #Loading
%patch $158FA [$5BBDW] #ending apostrophe
%patch $29623 "Loading `" $00
%patch $2962D "'" $00