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Initial release
Latest update2020-05-10
Development statusFinished
Programming languageC++
Tool TypeAudio Editor
Engine(s)Keen:Galaxy (any raw IMF file)
Discussion(s)PCKF Discussion Thread
DownloadVersion 1.2 (Source Code included) newest

IMF2WAV (aka IMF to WAV converter) is a Win32 bit based tool to convert any IMF file to Wave format created by K1n9_Duk3. It uses the MAME OPL emulator (fmopl.cpp, fmopl.h) and is based on Wolf4SDL. This tool can also be used by other applications that need to play IMF music but cannot use built-in OPL emulation.

  • Note: These might require the MS Visual C++ 2008 Runtime Environment in order to work properly.


Simply fire up a CMD and type:

IMF2WAV <imffile> [wavefile [imfrate [hertz [mask]]]]


The parameters wavefile, imfrate, hertz and mask are optional. The brackets indicate that if you want to set imfrate, you have specify wavefile as the second argument. Same applies to hertz and mask. wavefile is the name of the output file and defaults to <imffile>.wav, imfrate defines how many times per second new commands are sent to the OPL emulator and defaults to 560. hertz defines the sample rate of the resulting wave file and defaults to 44100.

mask defines which AdLib channels should be played and defaults to -1 (all channels). Each bit in the mask value indicates the state of an AdLib channel. The lower 9 bits (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256) are for the regular AdLib channels, the next 5 bits (512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192) represent the rhythm mode channels. To combine these bits, simply add the corresponding values.


This converts "apogfnf1.imf" to "apogfnf1.imf.wav":

imf2wav apogfnf1.imf

This converts "apogfnf1.imf" to "fanfare.wav":

imf2wav apogfnf1.imf fanfare.wav

This converts Duke Nukem II's "fanfarea.imf" to "fanfare.wav":

imf2wav apogfnf1.imf fanfare.wav 280

This converts Wolfenstein 3D's "pacman.imf" to "pacman.wav" at 22050 Hz:

imf2wav pacman.imf pacman.wav 700 22050

This converts all rhythm mode channels from "main.imf":

imf2wav main.imf main.wav 560 44100 15872

Creating single-channel WAV files from an IMF song

In the download folder there is a batch file (imf2wavs.cmd) included that will convert an IMF song into several single-channel WAV files. It basically runs imf2wav.exe 14 times to create 14 WAV files.

This will convert "main.imf" to multiple single-channel WAV files: imf2wavs main.imf

The resulting files will be named "main.imf-01.wav" to "main.imf-14.wav".

  • Note: any WAV file that contains nothing but silence will automatically be deleted by this batch file.

The imfrate and herz settings are not passed to the batch file. Therefor the "imf2wavs.cmd" file must be edited (right-click and select "edit") and change the settings in the batch file itself.

You should also know that you cannot drag and drop IMF files onto the batch file as it is. If you want to be able to do that, you must edit the batch file and replace the "imf2wav.exe" in the line set IMFCONV=imf2wav.exe with the full path of your imf2wav.exe. So if you copied the files into a folder like

"D:\IMFstuff\converter", you must change that line in the batch file to this:

set IMFCONV="D:\IMFstuff\converter\imf2wav.exe

Save the batch file and drag your IMF song onto it. It should now create a WAV file for each channel that is used in the IMF song.


  • This program converts IMF music to PCM waveform data using an OPL emulator, and saves the converted data as a .WAV file.
  • In its current implementation, the IMF converter does not suffer from the same 64K limits as the playback routines in the original DOS games. Any IMF file can be converted, as long as there is enough free space for the resulting WAV file.
  • The source code was compiled with Microsoft Visual C++ 2008, building a Win32 console application with the default options.

See Also